Ok, so there is SOOOO much happening this week it's crazy. To begin, Jessica and Mitchell are in Illinois right now. Their aunt Shawna (on their mom's side) was caught in a fire. Jessica and Mitchell are with their mother and Ryan in Illinois to be with the family at this time. We wish them the best and pray for them in this time of need.
On the Salt Lake City side of life, quite a bit has been evolving. Tomorrow I go back to my new job and continue to stretch my mind to its limits learning my duties and trying to remember everything they explain to me even though much of it still sounds like dutch to me ;) Along with this, I have been working out every day in the company gym on the 4th floor. This job really is amazing. I am very grateful for it. Mostly, I can see exactly why they have been rated the 27th best company to work for in the United States.
Tuesday of this week, Owen interviews for a position that could potentially be the changing factor in our financial situation. I'm nervous for him, but very excited for all that could come from this if it goes well. Keep us in your prayers and good wishes :)
On a wedding note....My dress arrives this week!!!! I'm freaking out. Please please oh please say it is awesome. The moment of truth has approached. If the dress is good, then I am going to be more proud of myself for the deal I found than any other deal I have ever found in my life. If it sucks, then after I bawl my eyes out for at least 4 hours, I will pick myself up and go buy something simple and affordable. So PLEASE say this turns out to be as great as the pictures are. *squeezing eyes shut and crossing fingers and toes*
This coming weekend, we begin cleaning out the rooms in this house that have swallowed the surrounding world around them so I can start moving in. We begin with the garage. I think this title is not grand enough for what it really is. Perhaps the heaping pit of doom...that may be more appropriate. Once this has been cleaned out, organized and made functional, I'll let you know if I find any little people living in communities between the piles of rubbel Sharon calls important memories.
The room after this to be attacked is the storage room. Owen has warned me this room has 30 years of stuff hidden away. So if I find any valuable crap for the antique roadshow...I'm not gonna tell you ;)
So after this week, so much could change. I have my fingers crossed and hopes high!
Love you all!!