Last night, Owen and I finally got around to seeing the movie Saving Mr. Banks. I've been wanting to see this movie since I've only heard amazing things about it. I have to say, it didn't dissapoint. After watching this movie, I was thinking to myself that it really feels as though this whole thing was put out there for my generation specifically. I know that it wasn't and that the movie Mary Poppins has been loved by all who knew it growing up for many decades, but to grow up with it as a child the way I did, then to see this movie right now as a parent/adult, is timed so perfectly. My children won't quite understand yet the magic behind it all.
I loved Mary Poppins. I used to try and clean my room by snapping my fingers. I loved singing the songs and thinking that Mary Poppins was so beautiful. It was one of the first movies that ever taught me that using my imagination while doing anything is always acceptable. :) I admit I never liked the parts where the kids were running in the alley way and the old woman tries to trick them. Or the bank song to be honest. Those parts were old crookedy people that freaked me out. But never a time that I watched it did I not feel happy inside when Mary Poppins sang to the children, when Bert and Mary dance and ride on the turtles or when the father decides to be a better father to his children and put them first. It's amazing that a film the same length as any other could have such an important impact on life. Some people like to judge and ridicule companies like Disney for being a money making factory machine. While yes I know there are parts of it that do this...I am still grateful for the meaningful and magical tales that I get to experience from their creations. I'm glad for Disney and for the beautiful imagination they inspired in me as a child.
The movie Saving Mr. Banks touched my heart. To see the writer's story was touching. I absolutely loved it and it makes the movie I love so much, that much more beautiful. Some things in life are just done right. I am going to jump right in and say, that this was one of those things.