Friday, July 29, 2011

To have and to hold

So the long awaited updating can begin!!
To start things off, our wedding was a dream come true. I have never been as stressed in my life as the week of the wedding. Planning something for months and months and months, to then hand it over to other people to make happen, is horrible. I'm just gonna say that, it's horrible on a person like me. I like to follow through and make sure each touch is handled and done well. But this tested my trust in my loved ones big time. And I am happy to say, they were incredible. Not only was it taken care of, but everyone worked their butts off and it turned out beautiful. This is my public thank you to everyone, YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!

To start things off, the park had to be decorated, set up and readied for the ceremony. The scramble in the morning was, I must say, quite intense...
While this was going on outside, I was trying to get ready inside the tent.....

Finally it was time! Here we go!!!!

 Mitchell was my perfect little prince that day. He was amazing!

My mother made me cry. Heck, everyone made me cry!!! Even I made me cry!
It was amazing!!!! Everyone was so helpful and supportive, I married the most amazing man in the world and I now get to be the happiest new member of the Esau fam :)

That night, we had a killer reception at Chateau Faire!

The whole Day was perfect!!!

And we finished it all with a Bang!!!

Best. Day. Ever.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Finally!!! An UPDATE!!!

Ok, now that my life is back to some version of normal, I am going to be updating this often and dedicating to it better. Sometimes it will be pictures, sometimes, it will be songs, sometimes it will be thoughts that are on my crazy mind :) But either way, it will be more often.
There is really no good place to begin, simply because there is far too much to cover. As the next few days go on, I am going to add more and more. As of now I will catch you up, up to the wedding.
I ended the school semester in May with grades that have pushed my gpa higher :) That's very happy to me. I busted my butt!! And at least there is a payoff. Owen and I are going to start again in the fall (took some time off for the summer cause life was crazy for a while). Unfortunately, I think we are going to be stuck with doing loans from now on though. We make too much to get grants. Funny, cause it sure doesn't feel like we can afford ketchup, let alone college courses. Kind of ridiculous how that works. I'm just grateful to be that much closer to getting my degree though. I at least want a Bachelor's degree. I am still working on my associate's. But I am closer to the goal than I was before so WAHOO!!!
Jessica and Mitchell did soccer this spring. I have to admit, I was surprised and impressed with Jessica's determination and involvement with it. She is good little sport! Mitchell on the other hand, is cut from the same anti-sportsmanship cloth that Owen was cut from. Some times I think dopplegangers could really be real things, with how similar that boy is to his moody daddy. And you can't train that. So genetic it's scary. Mitchell's version of playing soccer was to run towards the ball......until anyone, ANYONE passed him. Then suddenly he realized he lost. He would toss his head back, wail, and drop his body to the grass where he would pout for the next few minutes until his amazing coach would swing by, pick him up, put him on her hip an keep running back and forth down the field. She was awesome!! even though I felt bad for her most of the time with this 30 lbs kid on her hip. lol so funny. Really, it was cuter than anything. If he got a chance to shine though, you bet he would take it. He definitely got some awesome hits in there!

On a sad family note, two of my grandparents are going through some serious struggles these days. My grandma Beemus had a quintuple bypass. When this did not work well, they then put in a pacemaker. Very intensive and dangerous surgeries. She is now in a rehabilitation center while she recovers. She is in St. George so I don't hear all that is going on, but I do know that she is recovering and hopefully she will be able to return to her house with her daughter. I hope and pray she will be kept protected and heal quickly. My grandpa Hathaway found his clavical broken when he went in feeling an intense pain. With more testing, they found not only was his clavical broken, but he now has bone cancer. He is a survivor of Prostate cancer a few years back, but I guess it is back and has spread to his bones. The doctor has officially given him 2 years to live. Again, I pray for his health and strength. He is the best man I have ever known. I hope he will get through this and show them that 2 years can mean 10 with the right attitude and procedures. I love my grandparents. I hope they are well soon.
Tonight I am going to go home, and update this blog and facebook with pictures from the wedding, and from the honeymoon. Gosh we had fun. I miss the sun and the humidity. It was so nice to feel tropical.