Sunday, July 28, 2013

Disney adventure and a few swollen ankles...

So to continue our journey through our land of enchantment extravaganza, we arrive at the "ankle mishap" day. 
Owen ran out to move the car at dawn so we didn't get a meter fee and stepped off the curb wrong. Next thing I know I'm running outside in a panic wearing pj's because my husband calls with that panic voice saying he thinks he broke his ankle. 
Fortunately, not broken. Unfortunately, he tore ligaments in his ankle. A doctor visit and Vicodin later, our day at the beach became a day in the hotel room :-( 
I was determined this mishap would not lick us!! it was Disney Land!! who bags Disney Land? The next day, we facilitated a wheel chair and let the games begin! 

Ps, the wheelchair experience was quite the ordeal. We rented it from a place called The Druggist (yes, classy, I know), put a deposit down and got the legs with movement so he could lift it. Well a leg broke. We asked a tech at Disneyland if he could fix it. He couldn't but gave us one of theirs for free for the day :-) devilishly hard to push though. 
Anywho, we got back to the hotel where Owen fixed it himself (hero) and we took it back the next day and said nothing. While some of you may be thinking this was dishonest, let me just say that the leg was working better AFTER Owen fixed it than before so in my mind, they should pay us ;-) 

Our drive home was supposed to be a stop off in Vegas for the night and then finish the home stretch Sunday. Instead, given all the hiccups along the way, we just wanted to get home. We pulled a "push through" tactic and braved it. It was exhausting and Owens foot was so swollen! But we finally made it. 
Even though it was rough, we had a lot of fun and we still see Disneyland as the most magical place on earth :-)