Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Liberty Park

One of my staple childhood memories is going to the park with my family. I remember my mom and dad would always get a bucket of chicken, a blanket and we'd go to the park. We'd throw around the football, play frisby, and one of my very favorites, was playing hide and seek behind the massive trees at Liberty Park! This park and me go way back. I'm sure so many people can say that, but I'll keep telling myself it's just me so my feelings don't get all cheapened ;)
So, since the weather has been warming up, I decided we need to go to the Park! And what better than my favorite?!!! We have taken the kids there for the past 4 years but something about this time felt really nice. Like it's starting to stick with them. Like they are starting to remember it. I know every inch of this park by heart and I look forward to more and more memories we can make there. Here's some of the fun we had last week.

 Feeding the duckies!
 Mitchell doing his sunglasses thing. Gosh he's so funny.
 They have a musical playground for the kids. They had a blast!

 Even Owen had a great time!
 And OF COURSE, we had to play hide and seek behind the trees. It's customary ;)
 Following the Leader! Mitchell is in the middle, you can't see him as well, but his airplane arms were up too!
 If you see my facebook, you'll know this one but if not, the story is this:
"Mitchell, what are you doing sweetie?".... "Mommy, the sun is in my eyes, I'm making sunglasses."
So freakin smart!! lol

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