Tuesday, March 27, 2012


My new obsession as of late has been Pinterest. I tried to stay away for as long as physically possible...but I'm a bit of an "idea" freak and I LOVE learning new and functional ways to do something clever and beautiful. I admit though, I have become a bit obsessed to an unhealthy degree. Wow, reading and watching some of these blogs and tutorials makes the Super Mom thing really come alive and it makes life a bit daunting when you don't feel like you can add up. For me anyway. About a year ago, I embraced the fact that I am in love with crafty projects and artistic expression in my home. For years, I thought it was too cliche to be Mormon and enjoy crafts. But I finally hit a place of maturity for myself where I said, hey, guess what, cliche or not, I like this. I like it, I enjoy it and I want to learn more about it. As it happens, I love scrap booking, sewing, quilting, organization to the unhealthy extent, and yes, even crocheting. Gardening is up there too, only I haven't had a great opportunity for that one yet so I'm sure that exploration will come out more when we have our own place in August.
So, My first real attempt to accomplish something I found on Pinterest was my lists wall. I love to keep lists and charts and admittedly, they would end up wadded up in my purse or behind stuff in the closet because I didn't feel like I had anywhere to put them. Then I saw a great pin showing a wall of lists. And this, is my version: (located right outside our bedroom)
I decided chore charts are not just for the kids. I was having the worst time keeping up on house work around here because I work full time, have the kids part time, Owen works seven days a week and has school and with all the family stuff going on lately, I literally feel like I don't have time to brush my hair let alone keep up on stuff. So Saturdays turned into nightmare house cleaning day....until this. I've had it up about a week and a half, and it's been awesome. A little each day, keeps the stresses away and keeps my house clean and manageable.

 My to do list. I put a piece of vellum over a picture of us kissing on a bridge. I thought it was cute :)
 The Menu list! This one is also to help me change my shopping style. I used to just go isle to isle grabbing main things to make sure we had "stuff" to always make something. This way, I know exactly what to get, we save money and Owen likes it cause he can put in there whatever he wants too :)
 My magnet board. As much as I love it. I bought it off Etsy.com. THEN I saw bigger nicer better ones at the Quilted Bear. Go figure. But hey, I still love it, and it still keeps the function alive :)
 I should have taken a close up of my marker cup. I'm freaking proud of that thing. I swear I was delirious when I made it. It was late at night, I had a clear plastic disposable holder for paper clips that I bought a while back and kept for no good reason and turned it into my dry erase marker holder. I just used paper, hot glue and a black ribbon scrap I had laying around. I took a sticky hook we had lying around we never used and hung the ribbon on the hook to make it stay. I admit, this was pretty
much the thing that made me feel like my Pinterest obsession may not be a totally bad thing.
All in all, I was proud when I was done :)

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