Monday, May 21, 2012

And They're Off!!

So, my struggle ends!! I had braces put on in November of 2009. In June of 2011, a few DAYS before my wedding, I had them taken off :) But then, my retainer wasn't fitted right. It wedged between my back molars and shoved my teeth forward and out of whack. They then tried Invisalign for me. It didn't work. So, sadly, I had to go back in and get braces on my top teeth again for another six months.
Well, after the pain, the torture, the embarassment and complete agony, I FINALLY got to get them off :) This time, I got a permanent retainer in the back of my teeth so I don't have to worry about them moving. It's been delightful!

I had to put this in here because the kids and Owen got so excited about this project. Owen decided to Make a bug house for Billy. Ps, Billy is our Caterpillar that Owen rescued from his work parking lot. Billy was supposed to turn into a yellow moth. However, when he hatched....he must have slipped out of the lining and off into the world. I'm all for freedom, so good on ya Billy....but sad for the kids. They were really excited to see a caterpillar hatch to become a butterfly/moth. Owen decided we're going to order some now so the kids can really see it this time. He's such a freaking good daddy.

Rachel and I went to Ingrid Michaelson. We had a blast :) The bathrooms were a bit sketchy and thanks to the doorman at the 21 or older entrance, I realized my ID was expired. Had I waited even 2 more weeks, I would have had to re take the test. Thank you Ingrid concert, thank you!


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