Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Sports and Sprouts

This spring has been very fun for the kids. They have been able to be busy and part of so much!! Jessica, to start has been in Katie's Dance this year and working very hard at her dance routines Katie has taught. Jessica loves the music, he vibes and the attention!! :) She's a little Diva! The Spring Recital was May 12th. We got her roses and Barb and Ryan got her beautiful daisies. She was spoiled in the best way possible with praise!! and it was well deserved!

Along with dance, Jessica started baseball. Mitchell started t-ball as well. I am really impressed with Mitchell's coaches so far. They are very patient and teach very well. They always pitch underhand first to give the kids a sporting chance. Then, after about 10 balls they try the T. Mitch likes hitting, and he likes when he catches it...but I can't say he loves outfield....

Jessica has been a big hitter! She's worked super hard on her swing and her stance. We're still trying to figure out if she's a lefty or a righty on her throw, but either way, she's awesome and getting better and better each day. She's really growing into such a beautiful young lady.

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